New short course for researchers getting started with global online search

I just launched my second online course, Getting Started Doing Global Research Online: 10 Tips. This one is for researchers who are just starting to look for global information online. In 10 lessons, we cover:

  • why English-language searches are not enough to find the information you need
  • how to do research in languages you may not be able to read
  • ways your computer and browser settings can limit the geographic scope of your search results – and how to fix these problems
  • how to focus your searches on results from specific countries

We explore resources that can help you understand the scope of languages used online, what social media platforms are popular around the world, and extensions you can put on your browser that will make your research more effective.

Each lesson features a short instructional video. (The entire course includes 65 minutes of video instruction.) To help you master the concepts covered in the videos, each lesson also includes a brief homework assignment that will only take a few minutes to complete.

You can watch an introductory video and sign up for the course by clicking the link below:

Getting Started Doing Global Research Online: 10 Tips

Please be in touch if you have any questions about this or any of the other trainings I offer.